A zit is defined in the same way as a pimple. It is a small skin inflammation or infection that has built up due to clogged pores. It's best not to pop a pimple or zit, because it can lead to scarring or spread infection. If you have already tried my tips and can not go a minute longer without popping your break out then make sure to do it safely and visit the Acne Organization for safe popping procedures.
Ways to rid your zit:

- Rub the Pimple with a fresh cut clove of garlic. Garlic contains strong antibiotic properties and is a general blood cleanser.
- Dab a cotton ball into lemon juice and rub over your zit twice a day. If you have sensitive skin, dilute the lemon juice with a few drops of water. The citric acid from the lemon helps to exfoliate the skin. Lemon also serves as an astringent to dry out the clogged zit. Lemon juice helps speed up the healing process of breakout and scarring.
- Dry out an orange peel, crush the peel in a mixing bowl and then add water and
mix it into a paste. Apply the paste over your entire face and neck and let sit for five minutes. Rinse with warm water. The orange paste will smell and feel so refreshing, you might just be tempted to try a taste!
- Just as Visine helps reduce redness for eyes, it can also help reduce or rid the
redness and inflammation of a pimple or zit. Wet the end of a q-tip or cotton ball and spread the Visine over your problem area.
- Aspirin comes to the rescue for both headaches and zits! Aspirin contains BHA, beta hydroxy acid which has the ability to penetrate deeply to unclog pores and exfoliate dead skin cells, reducing acne outbreaks and stimulating cell renewal. Follow the recipe below for your Aspirin Facial Mask.
Aspirin Facial Mask
- Take six uncoated aspirin tablets and crush them into a powder.
- Add a few drops of hot water and honey or aloe vera gel to the aspirin powder. Mix the ingredients together in a medium size bowl. Add as much water as needed to obtain a paste like consistency.
- Spread over your entire face. Sit back and relax for about 15 minutes as your mask works it's magic.
- Wash off with warm water and a light face wash. As your removing your mask, massage the grains of aspirin into the skin to exfoliate.
- Lastly, softly pat your face dry with a towel.
To read more about ways to prevent acne, check out what Dermatoglosit Patrice Hyde has to say.
i've also tried toothpaste, i know it's funny and weird, but it works! a tiny bit of toothpaste with a tiny bit of your regular benzyle cream does the trick over night for me!
It is an interesting post.
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